Tuesday, August 20, 2013

From the ashes

... of my often unposted (and even more rarely read) blog, here's a new post! Yay! My excuse is it's hard to keep up with a blog when I have four kids, go to school full time and do half marathon training, but maybe, just maybe, I'll post more frequently than once a year :P Today I reached a milestone on the scale. I debated about if I wanted to get into a weight loss post or not. Mostly because there's the whole embarrassment fact of even having a weight-loss struggle, but I am feeling indulgent and am going to post a hooray for me moment. With the 1.8 pounds I have lost since my weigh in three days ago, my running weight loss total is 50.4 pounds! Yes, I have broken through the half century mark! And I have 28.4 pounds to go until I reach my goal weight. Nothing about it has been simple and I haven't leaned any easy trick to make the weight come off. It's been a lot of waking up at 4:30 am during the week to get a run in before DH goes to work and skipping the sleeping in on weekends so I can get my 2-3 hour runs in. It's a lot of trying to convince myself that the salad is what I wanted, not the pizza a fries. It's a lot of sipping ice water while I watch DH and the kids have ice cream. But there's also a lot of accomplishment. I am fighting my way back to myself and I have fought for every pound lost and when I am where I want to be I will have earned it. And that's worth something, too.